The Fluck Convalescent Fund

Application For Financial Grant
Details of Applicant
Details of Beneficiary
Reason for Application
Submit Request
Details of Applicant
This is the Registered name of the Organisation. If the Organisation has not been Registered with the Fluck Fund please contact the Administrator by Please clicking here
Details of Beneficiary
Reason for Application
Disclaimer and Signature I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. If this application leads to a grant award, I understand that I am agreeing to the terms and conditions set out below.
Terms and Conditions

Grants will only be awarded that meet the following criteria:
The Beneficiary:
1. Is female or a child, male or female, up to 18 years of age.
2. Is of poor financial means.
3. Is convalescing after illness, disease or surgical operation.
4. Is under the care of a Doctor or medical practitioner.
5. Lives within the City of Gloucester or its immediate surrounds (GL1, Parts of GL2, GL3 and GL4).
Any money awarded must be spent on the items/activity outlined in the application. Any monies remaining unspent must be returned to the Fluck Fund to be used for other grants.
To comply with Charity Commission rules, proof of expenditure will be required as soon as possible after the award of any grant.

The Fluck Convalescent Fund
Charity Number: 205315
Designed & Developed with ♥ By KNIGHTS Essential